Zhongyuan Jiang,Professor
…Zhongyuan Jiang,Professor
蒋忠远 Co-Chair of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Digital Health Global Action Foundation, UNSDG UNOP Digital Health Global Initiatives, Outstanding Advisor of the Center for Sustainable Development of Biodiversity at Royal Thai University of Technology, and Vice President of the Professional Committee of Quality Appraisal ofChinese Medicine Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention…
Co-Chair of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Digital Health Global Action Foundation, UNSDG UNOP Digital Health Global Initiatives, Outstanding Advisor of the Center for Sustainable Development of Biodiversity at Royal Thai University of Technology, and Vice President of the Professional Committee of Quality Appraisal of
Chinese MedicineChinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
(中国疾病预防控制中心)联合国可持续发展目标数字健康全球行动基金会联席主席 UNSDG UNOP Digital Health Global Initiatives
、世界中联中药质量鉴定专业委员会副会长 蒋忠远教授 -
Yu Wang,Professor,MD, PhD
…Yu Wang,Professor,MD, PhD
Chairman Chinese Foundation for HepatitisPrevention & Control 中国疾病预防控制中心
Chinese Foundation for Hepatitis
Prevention & Control中国疾病预防控制中心
Yibin Feng,Professor
…Yibin Feng,Professor
冯奕斌 Professor , Director Thre University of Hong Kong – School of Chinese Medicine, Li Ka ShingFaculty of Medicine
Professor , Director
Thre University of Hong Kong – School of Chinese Medicine, Li Ka Shing
Faculty of Medicine -
W. B. Zhou,Professor
…W. B. Zhou,Professor
Dean Of The NUS Faculty of Food Science &Technology & Chairman of the Standards Committee of The Singapore Government National Unviersity of Singapore
Dean Of The NUS Faculty of Food Science &
Technology & Chairman of the Standards Committee of The Singapore GovernmentNational Unviersity of Singapore
Victor Tong Jr.
…Victor Tong Jr.
Managing Director Decheng Capital
Managing Director
Decheng Capital
Susumu Tonegawa,Professor
…Susumu Tonegawa,Professor
MIT Nobel Prize Laureate
Nobel Prize Laureate
Satoshi Omura,Professor
…Satoshi Omura,Professor
2015 Nobel Prize Laureate – per Maki George hara will assist toinvite him to join WATW
2015 Nobel Prize Laureate – per Maki George hara will assist to
invite him to join WATW -
Roger Kornberg,Professor
…Roger Kornberg,Professor
Stanford University Nobel Prize Laureate
Stanford University
Nobel Prize Laureate
Randy Schekman,Professor
…Randy Schekman,Professor
University of California, Berkeley –Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology Nobel Prize Laureate
University of California, Berkeley –
Dept of Molecular & Cell BiologyNobel Prize Laureate
Pui Chan,Professor
…Pui Chan,Professor
Xuanwu Hospital of Capital MedicalUniversity
Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical
University -
Peter Yunzhi Yang,Professor
…Peter Yunzhi Yang,Professor
Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery & , By Courtesy, Of Materials Science & Enginnering & ofBioenginnering Standford
Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery & , By Courtesy, Of Materials Science & Enginnering & of
Peppi Prasit,PhD
…Peppi Prasit,PhD
Acting CEO, Co-Founder Potentiam
Acting CEO, Co-Founder
Oussama Khatib
…Oussama Khatib
Director The Stanford Robotic Center
The Stanford Robotic Center
Nieng Yan,Professor
…Nieng Yan,Professor
顏寧 Shenzhen Medical Academy ofResearch and Translation
Shenzhen Medical Academy of
Research and Translation -
Monin Ung
…Monin Ung
Founding Partner, Managing Partner MUNG Legal
Founding Partner, Managing Partner
MUNG Legal
Min Cui,Ph.D
…Min Cui,Ph.D
Founder & Managing Director Decheng Capital
Founder & Managing Director
Decheng Capital
Michael Heinrich,Professor
…Michael Heinrich,Professor
Directof of the Natural Medicine & Food Institue ofthe UCL Faculty of Pharmacy UCL 药学院天然药食院主任兼的 PROF MICHAEL HEINRICH教授
Directof of the Natural Medicine & Food Institue of
the UCL Faculty of PharmacyUCL 药学院天然药食院主任兼的 PROF MICHAEL HEINRICH
教授 -
Head of the Department of Natural Medicine andFood At University Nagoya UNIVERSITY NAGOYA 天然药食系主任PROF MAKINO牧业教授
Head of the Department of Natural Medicine and
Food At University NagoyaUNIVERSITY NAGOYA 天然药食系主任PROF MAKINO
牧业教授 -
Hong-Ming Hu
…Hong-Ming Hu
Found & Chief Scientific Officer Shanghai ImmuXell Biotech Ltd. Using cell theraphy successfully treated pancreatic cancer;affiliated with Fudan University
Found & Chief Scientific Officer
Shanghai ImmuXell Biotech Ltd.
Using cell theraphy successfully treated pancreatic cancer;
affiliated with Fudan University -
Hidekazu Yamada,Professor
…Hidekazu Yamada,Professor
President Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine
Japanese Society of Anti-
Aging Medicine -
Dr. Henry Yau
…Dr. Henry Yau
Managing Director Hong Kong University Clinical TrialsCentre
Managing Director
Hong Kong University Clinical Trials
Centre -
Haruo Sugiyama,Professor
…Haruo Sugiyama,Professor
杉山治夫 Assistant Professor – Department of CancerImmunology Osaka University
Assistant Professor – Department of Cancer
ImmunologyOsaka University
Han Chong Toh,Professor
…Han Chong Toh,Professor
Deputy Chief Executive Officer (StrategicPartnerships) & Sr. Consultant National Cancer Centre Singapore Maki
Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Strategic
Partnerships) & Sr. ConsultantNational Cancer Centre Singapore
Dr. Gina Jiang
…Dr. Gina Jiang
江宜蓁 Managing Director Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology Prof Yu asked Gina Jiang to prepare talk on : Cell TheraphyFrom Bench To Bed Side
Managing Director
Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology
Prof Yu asked Gina Jiang to prepare talk on : Cell Theraphy
From Bench To Bed Side -
George Hara,Professor
…George Hara,Professor
原丈人 Group Chairman & CEO DEFTA Partners
Group Chairman & CEO
DEFTA Partners
高福 Director – Chinese Center for Disease Control &Prevention University of Chinese Academy ofSciences
Director – Chinese Center for Disease Control &
PreventionUniversity of Chinese Academy of
Sciences -
Dr. Ge Zhang
…Dr. Ge Zhang
张戈 Director – Chinese Medicine – TechnologyDevelopment Division / Institute of Precision Medicine & Innovative Drug Discovery Hong Kong Baptist University
Director – Chinese Medicine – Technology
Development Division / Institute of Precision Medicine & Innovative Drug DiscoveryHong Kong Baptist University
Dr.Felix Oen
…Dr.Felix Oen
FacultyCo-founder & CEO Stanford University Tiki Health Maki (Prof Han Chong Toh) – along with Prof Han Chong Toh co- founders of neoTILa and AI-Healthtech & cell theraphy company; has built his Digi health enterprise in Thailand . Big foucs on AI in healthcare, big data, informatics. Gave talk on data & bioinformatics at JP…
Co-founder & CEOStanford University Tiki Health
Maki (Prof Han Chong Toh) – along with Prof Han Chong Toh co- founders of neoTILa and AI-Healthtech & cell theraphy company; has built his Digi health enterprise in Thailand . Big foucs on AI in healthcare, big data, informatics. Gave talk on data & bioinformatics at JP Morgan Healthcare Conference in
Jan 2025 . -
Prof. Dr.Erwin Neher
…Prof. Dr.Erwin Neher
Director – Dr. Erwin Neher’s Biophysics andInnovative Medicines Laboratory Macau University of Science andTechnology Nobel Prize Laureate
Director – Dr. Erwin Neher’s Biophysics and
Innovative Medicines LaboratoryMacau University of Science and
TechnologyNobel Prize Laureate
Christopher Li Hsian Chen,Professor
…Christopher Li Hsian Chen,Professor
Assoc professor Pharmacology National University of Singapore Maki (Prof Han Chong Toh) – expert on stroke, ageing, dementia& longevity
Assoc professor Pharmacology
National University of Singapore
Maki (Prof Han Chong Toh) – expert on stroke, ageing, dementia
& longevity -
Dr.Christine Huang
…Dr.Christine Huang
Managing Director HK Longevity Medical Center
Managing Director
HK Longevity Medical Center
Charles Hu,PhD
…Charles Hu,PhD
Founder & CEO Ryoden Medical Holdings
Founder & CEO
Ryoden Medical Holdings
Bruce A. Beutler,MD
…Bruce A. Beutler,MD
Chairmand of Sicentific Board, Co-Founder Headof the Ctr for the Genetics of Host Defence, UTSW Potentiam; Univeristy of TeaxSoutherwestern Medical Center 2011 Nobel Price in Physiology or Medicine
Chairmand of Sicentific Board, Co-Founder Head
of the Ctr for the Genetics of Host Defence, UTSWPotentiam; Univeristy of Teax
Southerwestern Medical Center2011 Nobel Price in Physiology or Medicine
Alex Zhongmin Ma,Ph.D
…Alex Zhongmin Ma,Ph.D
马忠民 Chairman / CEO Revivallon BioPharma Prof Yu adv he is asking him to joing WATW (WeChat)
Chairman / CEO
Revivallon BioPharma
Prof Yu adv he is asking him to joing WATW (WeChat)
学士学位,农工民主党中央委员,前华表创始人之一,快感体育联合创始人,君友创始人, 未来存储创始人。拥有自动化仪器仪表,国际贸易,金融管理等多专业化 主要工作经历及贡献 2001年加入用友集团,在中国管理软件产品创新、渠道创新等业务层面做出了巨大的贡献和 创新。就职用友软件14年,用友软件第一个发明专利获得者,曾任用友集团烟草行业项目经理 、小型事业部服务市场经理、合作伙伴总监、畅捷通新产品业务部总经理、票据事业部总经理。 对企业管理软件、互联网、移动互联网产业有着深刻的理解和创新能力,同时对企业战略规划、创 新产品管理方面有着丰富的经验。 主要社会荣誉 2012年荣获北京市海淀区优秀青年,北京市优秀青年创新标兵。2015年获得北京中关村创业 之星,2016年获得北京中关村未来创业之星。2018年获得科技部海外创业人才优秀奖。2017 年获得北京文创创业大赛三等奖。 社会兼职 中国商业会计学会理事、广东省职教学会理事,中国初级卫生保健基金会健康基金秘书长,北 京市海淀区农工党法制与经济专委会副主任。农工党中央经济与金融专委会委员。北京交通大学 未来存储技术应用联合实验室副主任。 创新创业 2001年至2003年华表软件联合创始人 2013年至今君友创始人,CEO 2016年2019年快感体育联合创始人 2019至今未来存储创始人CEO 是国内最早提出并成功实践创业合伙人制的创业者、企业家,累计获得核心知识产权 200余项,尤其在关系国家数据存储安全的根本产业刚需方面彰显中国企业家担当,艰苦创业, 联合业内相关优质资源正逐步创建填补国内空白,破除国际垄断的大数据存储瓶颈卡脖子问题, 打通国家大数据产业最后一公里瓶颈,向世 界展现中国方案、中国标准、中国技术。数据存储事关国家数据安全,是国家新基 建战略根本支撑,以未来存储为代表聚焦国家信息产业痛点,化解国家数据安全隐 患,为中国的自主创新技术做出更多贡献。
学士学位,农工民主党中央委员,前华表创始人之一,快感体育联合创始人,君友创始人, 未来存储创始人。拥有自动化仪器仪表,国际贸易,金融管理等多专业化 主要工作经历及贡献 2001年加入用友集团,在中国管理软件产品创新、渠道创新等业务层面做出了巨大的贡献和 创新。就职用友软件14年,用友软件第一个发明专利获得者,曾任用友集团烟草行业项目经理 、小型事业部服务市场经理、合作伙伴总监、畅捷通新产品业务部总经理、票据事业部总经理。 对企业管理软件、互联网、移动互联网产业有着深刻的理解和创新能力,同时对企业战略规划、创 新产品管理方面有着丰富的经验。 主要社会荣誉 2012年荣获北京市海淀区优秀青年,北京市优秀青年创新标兵。2015年获得北京中关村创业 之星,2016年获得北京中关村未来创业之星。2018年获得科技部海外创业人才优秀奖。2017 年获得北京文创创业大赛三等奖。 社会兼职 中国商业会计学会理事、广东省职教学会理事,中国初级卫生保健基金会健康基金秘书长,北 京市海淀区农工党法制与经济专委会副主任。农工党中央经济与金融专委会委员。北京交通大学 未来存储技术应用联合实验室副主任。 创新创业 2001年至2003年华表软件联合创始人 2013年至今君友创始人,CEO 2016年2019年快感体育联合创始人 2019至今未来存储创始人CEO 是国内最早提出并成功实践创业合伙人制的创业者、企业家,累计获得核心知识产权 200余项,尤其在关系国家数据存储安全的根本产业刚需方面彰显中国企业家担当,艰苦创业, 联合业内相关优质资源正逐步创建填补国内空白,破除国际垄断的大数据存储瓶颈卡脖子问题, 打通国家大数据产业最后一公里瓶颈,向世 界展现中国方案、中国标准、中国技术。数据存储事关国家数据安全,是国家新基 建战略根本支撑,以未来存储为代表聚焦国家信息产业痛点,化解国家数据安全隐 患,为中国的自主创新技术做出更多贡献。
Dr. Dinggang Li
…Dr. Dinggang Li
Chief Clinical Medical Expert at the Cell and Gene Therapy Research Center of Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen of China.
Chief Clinical Medical Expert at the Cell and Gene Therapy Research Center of Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen of China.
Graduated from the Medical Department of Nanjing Medical University in 1982 in Nanjing, China.
From December 1982 to May 2004, worked in the Department of General Surgery at Beijing Friendship Hospital affiliated Capital Medical University in Beijing. Served as a resident physician, attending physician, and associate chief physician in the Department of General Surgery, engaged in clinical, teaching, and research work.
From August 1990 to March 1995, went to the Oncology Surgery Laboratory at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in USA to conduct postdoctoral research. The personal research results have been published in top international medical journals such as Circulation Journal, Journal of Clinical Investigation , Shock Journal, Surgery Journal and etc.
In May 2004, transferred to Beijing Haidian Hospital to establish the first Cancer Gene Therapy Center in China served as the center director and chief physician.
In April 2007, a comprehensive treatment center combining gene therapy, hyperthermia, and minimally invasive techniques was established at Beijing Yanhua Hospital in Beijing as the center director, chief medical expert.
From September 2015 to April 2023, served as the CEO of Beijing Ludaopei Hematology Hospital.
From March 2024 to present, Chief Clinical Medical Expert at the Cell and Gene Therapy Research Center of Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen of China.
Since 2004, organized and build the medical team of the Cancer Gene Therapy Center at Beijing Haidian Hospital and Beijing Yanhua Hospital to actively explore and innovate the application of modern biological gene immune technology (P53 gene drugs, DC-CIK, NK, Car-T and other immune therapy technologies), minimally invasive surgery and non-invasive technology, traditional Chinese medicine technology, traditional surgery , radiotherapy and chemotherapy technology. Carried out multidisciplinary team (MDT) collaboration in clinical treatment, developed precise personalized technical plans to treat various types of advanced cancer patients, and formed a unique treatment concept and practice system.
Since 2004, the team has not only treated a large number of tumor patients from all over China, but also attracted nearly 1000 cancer patients from nearly 40 countries and regions, including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Germany, UK, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Russia, Netherlands, Spain, Romania, Greece, Turkey, Singapore, Malaysia, India, Pakistan, Phlippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Hong Kong and etc. It has become a Chinese hospital department with the largest number of international cancer patients since the founding of New China.
Our achievement has received widespread attention from the international oncology community and media. Since May 2005, when the Italian newspaper “Liberty” first published a report on cancer gene therapy centers, there have been over 20 international media outlets, such as the top global media outlets “Associated Press”, “Business Week”, “Washington Post”, “CBS”, “Red Herring”. The world’s mainstream media, such as German Economic Weekly, Canadian National Television CTV, British Television 4, German Television 2, Swedish National Television, Danish National Television, Norwegian Television, Turkey National Television, and Korean National Television, have all made extensive positive reports on the tumor gene therapy center of Beijing Haidian Hospital and Beijing Yanhua Hospital from different perspectives, which has won the honor for Chinese hospitals in the world.
Dr. Li Dinggang holds positions in some domestic and international professional schools/associations:
- Member of Johns Hopkins Internal and Surgucal Society
- Honorary President of the Macao Anti Cancer Charity Association in China
- Executive Vice Chairman of the International Medical Tourism Branch of the China Healthcare International Exchange Promotion Association
- Executive Director of the International Cryosurgery Association
- Director of the Chinese Society of Cryotherapy
- Director of China Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Association
- Member of the Gene Therapy Branch of the China Medical Biotechnology Association
- Executive Committee Member of Hospital Management Branch of China Association of Non Public Medical Institutions
- Secretary General of the Cancer Prevention and Treatment Professional Committee of the Chinese National Health Association
- Member of the General Surgery Society of the Beijing Branch of the Chinese Medical Association
- Specially appointed expert of China Life Science Research and Development Foundation
- Specially appointed experts of Cancer Prevention and Control Expert Guidance Committee of Hainan Province, China , etc
President of Fuda Cancer Hospital in Guangzhou
徐克成,男,漢族,1940年8月出生,江蘇南通人, 廣東省廣州復大腫瘤醫院院長。南通大學和深圳大 學客座教授,國內知名消化科專家和腫瘤治療專家, 身患肝癌多年。徐克成曾任廣東醫學會消化病學會 副主任委員,現任國際臨床氫醫學學會主席、暨南 大學附屬復大腫瘤醫院總院長、中西醫結合學會消 化病專業委員會副主任委員和中國醫促會胃病專業 委員會副會長。過去數十年徐院長醫治了超過一萬 個海外病患者及數萬個癌症病患者。 -
Professor, Chief Physician, Doctor of Medicine, and Doctoral Supervisor.
1983年毕业于河南医学院。曾担任河南省突发公共卫生事件应急医疗救治专家委员会主任委员,1997年参加中国援赞比亚医疗队,2000年担任中赞友谊医院首席医疗官。 2008年人才引进到上海市公共卫生临床中心任外科主任。带领外科团队为2000多例HIV感染合并外科疾病患者做了手术治疗,提出HIV感染者手术风险评分。为艾滋病合并失代偿期肝硬化做自体骨髓细胞治疗获得良好疗效,原创B超引导下精准肝脏穿刺输注自体骨髓细胞治疗肝硬化,精准胰腺穿刺输注骨髓细胞治疗糖尿病取得良好疗效。应用自体骨髓细胞治疗卵巢早衰,男性性功能减退,膝关节退行性变,股骨头坏死等疾病取得较好效果。对恶性肿瘤患者化疗前保存自体骨髓细胞,化疗后回输保存骨髓细胞促进骨髓重建。主编学术专著10部,获13项国家专利,发表论文160余篇。
Minghui Zhang, PhD
…Minghui Zhang, PhD
Director of Cell Therapy Research Laboratory
Dr. Minghui Zhang is a pioneering researcher and practitioner in the field of immune cell therapy
in China.In 2004,he published a landmark cover article in Nature Immunology,elucidating how
the immune microenvironment can reverse dendritic cell function to maintain immune system
homeostasis. In 2002,he was the first to discover and systematically investigate the bidirectional
anti-tumor effects of the CD8+NKT(vNKT) subpopulation. Since 2010,he has spearheaded the
clinical research and application of vNKT cells,which have demonstrated remarkable efficacy in
treating mid-and late-stage solid tumors. Specifically, the five-year tumor-free rate(clinical cure
rate)for patients with stage III solid tumors following vNKT intervention exceeds 80%. For stage IV
colorectal cancer patients with postoperative liver or lung metastasis,a combination of minimally
invasive local tumor reduction and vNKT intervention has achieved a five-year tumor-free rate of
over 40%. Dr. Zhang has also developed a non-chemical therapeutic approach for chronic diseases, primarily
based on mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs) and intestinal microbiota management. This innovative
method has shown rapid and significant efficacy in treating type 2 diabetes, Hashimoto’s
thyroiditis, inflammatory bowel disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and stroke sequelae, often leading
to functional reversal or functional cure. Building on his extensive research and clinical experience, Dr.Zhang established the Lehe New
Medical Chronic Disease Rehabilitation Centerin China.This center offers a comprehensive suite
of services, including research, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and health management, dedicated to improving the lives of patients with chronic diseases -
黄文林, Ph.D
…黄文林, Ph.D
Senior professor at the Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center
中山大学肿瘤防治中心资深教授、广州达博生物制品有限公司首席科学家, 享受国务院政府特殊津贴、中国重点领域人才计划入选者、中国第七届发明专利 金奖获得者、选欧洲自然科学院院士(2024),全球顶尖的十万名科学家之一。 黄文林教授同时是广东省新型肿瘤疫苗工程实验室和广东省肿瘤靶向治疗 药物研发企业重点实验室主任,主要从事基因治疗药物开发与转化研究、肿瘤免 疫治疗项目开发,曾于 1988-2001 年期间在美国高等病毒研究院、 宾夕法尼亚 医学院、普林斯顿大学等美国高等院校及单位从事学习、科学研究工作。 2001 年回国后任职中山大学肿瘤防治中心,曾担任中山大学肿瘤防治中心 生物治疗中心主任,主持国家“十一五至十三五 ”重大新药创制专项、“973 ” 课题及国家自然基金等课题多项,以第一及通讯作者在 Nature Medicine、 Nature Communications、PNAS、Gastroenterology、JCI 等本领域顶级刊物发 表 SCI 论文 180 余篇(H 因子:58),申请美国、国际 PCT 和中国发明专利 50 项,主编全国研究生教材《分子病毒学》(第 1/2/3 版)、学术专著《信号转导》、 《肿瘤分子靶向治疗》、《黑色素瘤》、《肿瘤个体化医学原则》,参编全国八年制 《肿瘤学》教材及《肿瘤生物治疗学》。曾获中国国家科技进步二等奖(2016)、 教育部自然科学一等奖(2011)、广东省科技进步一等奖(2010、2015)。 在创新药物成功转化领域成果显著:具有广阔的国际视野,不断研究及突破 创新药物前沿技术,成功转化出系列抗肿瘤药物产品,带领团队从实验室的科研 到产品的商业化产业化,主导了多项创新产品的开发,这些产品涵盖了多个领域, 包括基因治疗和免疫治疗,开发了中国第一完成 III 期临床试验的基因治疗药 物(重组人内皮抑素腺病毒注射液)、基因治疗产品(重组人 r 干扰素腺病毒注 射液)、多靶点溶瘤病毒项目以及中国第一个进入临床试验的自体自然杀伤细胞 注射液、CAR-NK、 干细胞等成功地转化为市场需求的产品,相关研究成果被《中 国中央电视台》、《中国教育电视台》、《科学中国人》等权威媒体广泛报道。 社会兼职:曾任广东省防治非典肺炎科技攻关专家委员会委员、亚太基因暨 细胞治疗协会轮值主席、广州欧美同学会副会长、美国基因暨细胞治疗协会资深 会员、科技部“十三五”973 传染病咨询委员、香港中文大学荣誉教授等。 -
Chief Physician in China
于保法Baofa Yu,M.D.俄罗斯自然科学院外籍院士,免疫缓释库疗法发明人,主任医 师,美国德州大学(ElPaso)兼职教授,美国健康科学西部大学兼职教授,深圳大学 附属华南医院客座教授,国际转化医学会细胞与基因治疗专委会首席专家,南方科技 大学恒普生命科学研究中心细胞与基因治疗研究与应用高级专家、南方科技大学恒普 生命科学研究中心肿瘤治疗和临床医学高级专家。 1988年中国协和医科大学(北京协和医学院)研究生毕业,1990-1991美国UCSD博 士后,1992-1993年Salk博士后, 1994-1998 Assistant Adjunct Professor, UCSD。 在美期间主要从事癌症药物载体给药的研究和肿瘤分子生物学研究,他发明了利用肿 瘤组织作为抗癌药物缓释体系的新概念和缓释库治疗方法,先后获得美国、中国、澳 大利亚发明专利。
该疗法整合了化疗和免疫治疗的优点,通过介入的方式首次把两者结合并应用到了肿 瘤内的治疗上。集局部和整体治疗为一体,通过肿瘤内缓释给药,增加药物作用浓度 和时间,既起到了化疗药物局部抗癌的效应,同时兼顾系统性免疫治疗的作用,从而 弥补了其它疗法的不足,为癌症治疗,尤其中晚期的肿瘤,提供了新的思路和途径,特别对减少肿瘤的复发和抑制肿瘤的转移有着非常重要的价值。肿瘤缓释库 (UMPIC)治疗具备以自身肿瘤为抗原来源和自体疫苗的优点,也符合个体化治疗的 发展趋势,具有较高的临床应用价值。2024年免疫缓释库疗法也已纳入第七版《晚期 胰腺癌介入治疗临床操作指南》
于1998年创办泰美宝法肿瘤医院,2004年创办济南西城医院(济南保法肿瘤医 院),2010年创办山东宝法肿瘤研究院,2012年创办北京保法肿瘤医院,2016年创 办美国Immuno Oncology Systems, Inc. (IOS)。累计治疗10万多癌症病例,拥有 国家专利技术25项,并出版专业书籍11本,发表缓释库治疗癌症论文67篇,其中在 Nature:Scientific Report, Cancer letter, Cytokin and Growth Factor Reviews, Nature Cancer (under review), Journal of Cancer, Pancreas, J Basic Clin Pharma, J Immunological Sci, Journal of Cancer Science and Clinical Therapeutics, Frontier in Immunlogy, Trends in Immunotherapy, Frontiers in Nanotechnology, Journal of Surgery, Ann Case Report , Japanese Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Cancer Medicine, Novel Approaches in Cancer Study, Academic Journal of Engineering Studies, Nov Res Sci, Journal of Hepatocellular carcinoma, lung Cancer: Target and Therapy, Journal of Liver Research, disorders & therapy, Chinese Journal of Chest, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Pancreas 等杂志发表多篇论 文及论文多次参加AACR和ASCO并被录用。
Journal of Clinical Radiology, volume 43, number 19, 2024, 1636-1648.
Wei-Wei Zhang, MD, PhD
…Wei-Wei Zhang, MD, PhD
CEO, GenBioRx International Corp.
Wei-Wei Zhang , MD, PhD was one of the pioneers in Gene Therapy and precision medicine applications. Dr. Zhang also is a corporate executive, with enduring records of technology innovation, strategic partnering, product R&D, commercialization, financing, and business management in biosciences and international transactions.
Dr. Zhang has founded, co-founded, and led operations several biopharma companies (Introgen Therapeutics Inc., Shenzhen SiBiono GeneTech, GenStar Therapeutics, GenWay Biotech, Adventin Inc., and GenBioRx International Corp.) and established two corporate and academic R&D units. With 30+ years of biopharma R&D, business development, and marketing/sales experience, Dr. Zhang played CEO and BOD chairman positions in those companies. Some achievements are highlighted as follows:
- Invented and developed the World first Gene Therapy Product (Adp53, known as “Gendicine”) for Cancer Therapy (product approved by China SFDA in 2003);
- Participated in raising the $50M initial funding for Introgen Therapeutics;
- Founded Shenzhen SiBiono GeneTech Co and raised initial $8 million equivalent RMB;
- Invented and developed MiniAdFVIII in GenStar Therapeutics, leading the teams from labs to clinical trials, and bringing the company to public on American Stock Exchange (NY), resulted in the corporate value increased 100 times from $6 to $600M;
- Developed over 2,600 recombinant proteins and 800 antibodies with 36 ELISA kits;
- Participated in developing a RMB VC/PE fund in China (total committed $300M).
1995-1998, Dr. Zhang worked as Director of Gene Therapy Unit, Baxter Healthcare, where he participated in $80M operations annual budget, strategic planning, and performance. He led R&D teams to develop gene therapy products and led the international collaboration and partnership of corporate-founded R&D.
Dr. Zhang (77-Class) obtained his M.D. degree in 1982 and M.S. of Toxicology in 1985 from Zhejiang University in China and acquired his PhD of Molecular Biology from Univ. of Alabama in 1989. Dr. Zhang took his junior faculty in gene manipulation and transfer at Baylor College of Medicine in 1989 and Assistant Professor in MD Anderson Cancer Center in 1992. From 1989 to 2007, Dr. Zhang has 16 patents. He has published more than 65 peer-reviewed articles.